Category: Profile
Hits: 1172

Quantum Illusions took charge of updating The Otago Motorcycle Club's logo as well as The Brass Monkey logo, ensuring their adaptability for printing, websites, and other digital applications.

The primary function of the database revolves around tracking users and their attendance at the Brass Monkey rally. This includes maintaining records for issuing 10up or 20up badges and plaques, among other functionalities. Members can have multiple notes attached to their profiles, and the system handles label printing annually while providing estimates for various totals and attendance details such as first-year attendance, dinner and breakfast payments, etc.

To streamline user support, a help file was integrated into the system using a related table and database, facilitating quick access to relevant information. Additionally, the system allows for dynamic cost adjustments for items like gate entry fees, prepaid entry, breakfast, dinner, etc.

Due to the limitations of the club's computers, the database had to be developed using an older version of FileMaker (version 5) instead of the initially planned version 9.