Category: Profile
Hits: 1061

We are on the verge of completing the ASCO DATA Solutions database project. While it has taken longer than anticipated, we are pleased to report that everything appears to be functioning well. Despite its seemingly simple nature, this database proved to be more intricate than initially expected. It not only manages basic client and member information but also handles complex work numbers records.

The primary database tracks the AM/PM numbers of four different groups, providing totals for both morning and afternoon sessions, as well as weekly totals. Users can search for specific week endings, months, or years to retrieve their totals, make adjustments, and recalculate new totals. Additionally, we are currently developing a second database system for ASCO to manage funding and donations, along with a contact manager.

We, at Quantum Illusions, would like to emphasize that both of these database systems are being provided as a donation to ASCO as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the community. Furthermore, we have also designed their logo free of charge.