Strewth Mate.

While I am a kiwi and this is a aussie saying... we do on the occassion use the saying.

Some useless info trivia on the 2nd track

  • There is no name to the track you can call it what ever you like...
  • It took over 20 hours of producing and writing this track.
  • There is 20 plug ins being use (some 3 or 4 times)
  • The track is fully digitally synth there are no live instruments and no samples.
  • There are 12 midi tracks and 2 automation tracks being used.
  • There are 13 tracks being used on the mixer.
  • There are 6 inputs just for the drums and 3 of them are just for the kick drum.
  • There are 5 layering tracks for the background guitar effect going through 3 effects plug ins.
  • There 4 different guitar effects going on 2 rhythym, and 2 lead, strangle no bass.
  • Plugins range from drums, guitar, saxophone, flute, lead synth.

Genre: Progressive Rock





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Strewth Mate Play.