Quantum Illusions designed the brand name Pens 4U logo. It is designed to be simple and clean, and can easily be printed in full colour or a single colour ie black and white.

Quantum Illusions designed, built and updates a purpose built database for Penplus. This database is used to track the various print runs and the status of runs. By entering in the info for each print run, link the graphic image, it prints out the proof sheets that can be faxed or emailed. Once signed proof is recieved, we go through a check list before the job sheet is printed. The printer can enter in notes, ie what ink was used, mix formula for the PMS colour etc... once job is printed, you can enter in courier ticket tracking number and completion date as well as delivery address.
Each job can have seperate notes ie; error on the proof, reprinting... courier has not delivered on time and complaints about the run etc.
It also has a full address book for clients, in relation to the jobs list. Eventually we are hoping to have it used for writing quotes, and sending emails direct from the database. This database is by no means complete and is an ever evolving beast. with over 500 scripts in the background and 30 to 40 layouts.
Quantum Illusions also designs all brouchures, and booklets, forms, product books and newsletters.
We also designed Penplus's website www.pens4u.co.nz